1. You have the right to Union representation when or if you have a reasonable belief that Managements line of questioning can lead to disciplinary action. Once you request a Steward you do not have to answer any questions until one is provided to you.
2. Management is not required to offer you Union representation. Employees must request a Union Representative be present.
3. You have the right to refuse to put your signature on anything, including 3971s.
4. It is your right and responsibility to fill out 3971s requesting both scheduled and unscheduled leave. Once you sign management’s generated slip you are agreeing to whatever they have written on the slip.
5. If you need to see a Steward always inform your supervisors. If they inquire as to why let them know it is a contractual issue related to wages, hours, or working conditions. Example: Overtime issue, pay issue, etc.
6. You have the right to see your Steward on the clock. You are not required to use your own time, breaks, or lunches. Management may not deny your request for representation. Should there be a delay in representation it is management’s responsibility to inform you of the reason for the delay and when you will be able to meet with your Representative.
7. If you are ever on vacation (annual leave) and you become ill you may call your Supervisor and ask that your leave be changed to Sick Leave.
8. When calling in for unscheduled leave, always call in before your scheduled start time. Management has been known to count time before your start time as AWOL.
9. Always get a confirmation number when calling in (via 1 877-477-3273 or on liteblue.org). If you call the office make sure you get the name of who is recording your absence and have phone records to prove you called in.
10. Employees are required to give a “fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay” (Article 34). Throughputs, letters thrown, parcels thrown, etc., are goals of management. Do not rush. Always work in a safe manner, going as quickly as you can without causing injury to yourself, without putting co-workers in danger, without damaging the mail, and without damaging postal equipment or property.
11. Report all safety hazards including hostile work environment incidents on PS form 1767.
12. When you work your non-scheduled day, you are not guaranteed to work your normal hours.
13. When you work your non-scheduled day, you may not be guaranteed to work in your bid job (LMOUs and sectional OT come into play).
14. When you work your Holiday, you are not guaranteed to work your normal hours.
15. When you work your Holiday, you may not be guaranteed to work in your bid job (LMOUs come into play. Example Mandates vs Volunteers).
16. If you have work restrictions it is advisable to always have a copy with you in the event that management asks you to do something outside of your restrictions.
17. Never work outside of your medical restrictions.
18. Never take your lunch after 6 hours, at the end of your shift or not at all. Take your breaks and lunches on time. Management will use the delaying and the forgoing of lunch in their scheduling, ultimately allowing them to reduce jobs and/or to change bid jobs.
19. Keep track of your four basic clock rings BT, OL, IL, and ET. Make sure to always be clocking into the correct operation.
20. Report on the job injuries as soon as they happen, or as soon as you realize you have an injury.
21. Non-OTDL Employees cannot be forced to work over 10 hours on a normally Scheduled day.
22. It is harassment for management to question you about your FMLA. It is also harassment for management to constantly request documentation for using less than 4 days of leave if an employee is not on restricted sick leave. If you are ordered to bring in documentation for 3 days or less, request a Union Steward.
23. Non-OTDL Employees and PSE can not be required to work over 60 hours in a work week (including December).
24. All APWU represented employees have the right to FMLA protections once they have worked 1 year and have 1250 work hours in the last 12 months worked.
25. Non-OTDL Employees cannot be forced to work more than 4 of their 5 normally Scheduled days.
26. Non-OTDL Employees cannot be forced to work over 8 hours on a 6th day (NS day).
27. Non-OTDL Employees cannot be forced to work 7 days.
28. PSEs cannot be forced to work over a 12-hour period in a day (including lunch). Note: PSEs are not required/guaranteed to be in a pay status during the whole 12-hour period if Management chooses to work them.
29. PSEs are not guaranteed set schedules or days off.
30. You are not required to sit by the phone or to answer phone calls or text messages from Management.
31. It is an Employees responsibility to have their phone number and address updated with the USPS.
32. Never take your lunch after 6 hours, at the end of your shift or not at all. Take your breaks and lunches on time. Management will use the delaying and the forgoing of lunch in their scheduling, ultimately allowing them to reduce jobs and/or to change bid jobs.
33. All Employees are responsible for checking the Holiday Schedule (3-Day Block, which includes all days that could be observed as an employees Holiday).
34. FTRs are not required to check the schedule. FTRs have set hours and days off and it is management’s responsibility to inform them of all changes to their schedule. The only exception is during a Holiday where it is the employee’s responsibility to check the Schedule.
35. Employees and the Union have 14 days to file a grievance. Do not wait until day 14 to request a steward to file a grievance. Doing this will give your representative no time to fully investigate your issue. This could result in delay of adjudication of your grievance. If there are issues with a date because you could not remember your grievance could be untimely, whereas if you got to the Steward early they could investigate and let you know you have your dates wrong.
36. Always report to the Union when Management is observed doing bargaining unit work. If employees allow management to do their job there is no need for more bid jobs, no need for conversions. Management can prove the work is getting done with fewer craft employees doing the work. This can leave to jobs being reverted, delay of jobs to transfer to, and PSEs not being converted. They are our jobs and we have to fight for all hours.
37. All employees at every level have the right to a safe and amicable work environment. If you feel you are working in a hostile work environment inform management and your Union rep.
38. Always follow the last instruction that management gives you (unless it is an instruction that will put your safety at risk). Many times, you will have multiple supervisors instruct you to do different tasks during your workday. The best practice is to do what you were last instructed to do.
39. If you see your time is being deleted or disallowed without a proper explanation request a Union Rep. Management is not allowed to take out your time working.
40. All USPS Employees are prohibited from wearing political attire on postal property (Hatch Act of 1939).